Google Chrome 4 Beta version Released

The first version of Google chrome was a hit.It was the fastest browser of all the time.But then came IE8 which was an internet monster,and then came Firefox v3.5 which father of all the browser.But now,Google is back again with their next release of chrome v4 which is currently in Beta.This browser has breaked every record.This proves to be even 3 times more faster than IE* and Firefox 3.5.The more amazing thing was this that rather running in Beta,it is so faster and stable.This version includes a Bookmark Sync feature which means that if you are using chrome on two or more computers,whenever you will change bookmarks for one computer,the bookmark settings on the other computer will be automatically changed.

Guys,you must not miss this edition of chrome.It has proved very helpful in case if you have very slow internet connection.And whats more?In this post,I have provided an offline installer file.So enjoy!!

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1 Respones to "Google Chrome 4 Beta version Released"

Anonymous said...

thanx for providing offline installer
i was searching for this...

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